What Is a Healthcare POA?

A healthcare POA allows you to designate someone to oversee your medical care should you become incapacitated.

As you get older, you need to prepare for the future in case you get sick or injured and can no longer function like you used to. To ensure that your wishes are fulfilled, you’ll have to file legal documents that protect you in all types of circumstances. One of the most important documents you should create is a healthcare POA.

The Definition of a Healthcare POA

A healthcare POA is a healthcare power of attorney, which may also be called a medical POA. Essentially, it allows you to designate a person to make medical decisions for you should you become incapacitated, which means that you no longer have the mental ability to do so or you lose consciousness. Typically, you would name your spouse, partner, child, or another family member as your healthcare POA, but you can designate whomever you want. This document will be used for end-of-life treatment as well as other times you need medical care.

Why You Need a Healthcare POA

A healthcare POA can protect you and guarantee that you receive the type of medical care you want if you get sick or injured. You will have control even if you are incapacitated. Medical professionals and family members you may not want to make your decisions for you will not have any say in what happens to you if you file this document beforehand.

Getting in Touch With Richard P. Arthur for Help

Richard P. Arthur, Attorney at Law, can help you create a legal healthcare POA to ensure your medical needs are met in case of an emergency. All you have to do is call 937-254-3738 for a consultation. He has nearly three decades of experience advocating for families in Dayton and Trotwood, as well as Montgomery, Greene, Miami, Clark, and Warren counties. He’s ready to assist you, too.