Considering a “Do-It-Yourself” Divorce? Maybe Not

Divorce is a difficult process and trying to save money by “DIY” can turn out to be an expensive mistake. Hiring a qualified divorce attorney is a much better investment for you and your future.

In this digital age with so much information at our fingertips, the prevalence of Do-It-Yourself (DIY) is everywhere. But while changing your kitchen faucet, or making sourdough bread may be attainable goals, some things are not for the DIY’er. A simple web search will turn up many options to DIY a divorce. Save money and time! Fill out these simple forms and pay these fees and voila – you’re divorced! Sounds simple and inexpensive, right?

Unfortunately, even though you and your soon-to-be-ex seem to agree on most issues – finances, child custody, and division of household goods – there are often issues that you don’t think about at the time, that could end up delaying your divorce or costing you money or time down the road.

So Many Forms

Have you agreed to alimony? Do you know what you may be entitled to now and perhaps in the future? What about stocks and bonds – are you going to sell everything now and risk future gains? And if minor children are involved, have you decided where everyone will live? Public versus private school? Religious education? Holiday and birthday schedules? And did you know Montgomery County Ohio requires divorcing parents of minor children to attend a parenting seminar? There are multiple affidavits to file with the court, process server instructions, and waiting periods that must be followed. Does a DIY website give you all the details, forms, and advice that you need to make informed choices? Trying to understand and follow court instructions can be difficult, if not impossible, and any errors may jeopardize the entire divorce proceeding.


The best way to save time, money and aggravation is to retain a qualified divorce attorney as soon as possible. A knowledgeable attorney represents your best interests. Call Richard P. Arthur, Attorney at Law today at 937-254-3738 to learn how he’s helped many Montgomery County clients with their divorce.