How To Address Accusations of Hiding Income or Assets During a Divorce in Clark County?

Have you been falsely accused of hiding assets during a divorce in Clark County, Ohio? If so, here is everything you need to know about the penalties for hiding assets in a divorce and how to counteract these claims.

If you are accused of hiding assets during a divorce in Clark County, there are certain steps you need to take to protect your credibility. Financial misconduct in a divorce is a serious accusation, and you will need to provide proof that this isn’t the case so that you get a fair outcome.

Has your spouse accused you of hiding income during a divorce? If so, check out this article, where we will be discussing the penalties for hiding income and assets during a divorce and what you can do if you’ve been falsely accused.

Penalties for Hiding Assets in a Divorce in Clark County

Accusations that a spouse is hiding assets during a divorce are very serious since this impacts how assets are divided. When one spouse hides money before the divorce, they are unfairly changing how the assets will be divided in divorce court. That is why these accusations are taken very seriously and why you will need to counteract them in order to get a fair outcome from the judge.

Unfortunately, it is not necessarily uncommon for accusations to come up during a divorce case. False accusations during a divorce may arise concerning things like assets, income, child support, etc. That is why it is crucial that you hire a family law attorney to represent your case and help you navigate any complications that may arise.

Here are some examples of the penalties for hiding assets in a divorce that you may face if you don’t prove that they are false.

Legal Penalties

There are several severe penalties you could face for hiding assets during a divorce case in Clark County, OH. A common legal penalty you could face is perjury, which applies if you are proven to have purposefully made a false statement while you were under oath. In the state of Ohio, perjury is a third-degree felony, which can come with potential incarceration and fines.

Providing false information about income or assets during a divorce can also lead to charges for contempt of court which along with a third-degree felony for perjury can lead to incarceration. If accusations of hiding income or assets are proven, the judge may also make you pay for your spouse’s attorney fees or favor them when dividing the marital assets.

Divorce Case Complications

If any type of accusations come up during the divorce case proceedings, this is naturally going to make the situation more complicated. In the majority of cases, accusations will lengthen the divorce process as the court decides if these accusations are true or false. This will ultimately lead to a more expensive divorce as you will need to expend more resources the longer it takes.

A more complicated divorce case will also make this more stressful and overwhelming, especially if you are in a rush.

Loss of Credibility

Aside from actual legal penalties for hiding assets during a divorce in Clark County, there are other ways this will negatively impact your side of the divorce. An example of this is that you will lose credibility if you are found to be attempting to hide income or assets.

Credibility is critical in a divorce case since you need your statements to be taken seriously. If you are accused of hiding assets, all of your statements will be scrutinized, especially when it comes to income or assets. This can have a negative impact on how everything is divided, as the judge may not believe you.

What to Do if You’re Facing False Accusations During a Divorce

Now that you know what the penalty is for hiding assets in a divorce, you need to know what to do next. Being accused of hiding assets during a divorce can feel very overwhelming as you are trying to prove that these accusations are false. You need to proceed with caution and keep a clear head so that you are able to present yourself in the best light possible.

Here are the two most important steps to take if you have been accused of hiding your income or assets during a divorce in Clark County.

Forensic Accountant

A very helpful professional to add to your divorce team if you’ve been accused of hiding assets is a forensic accountant. The job of a forensic accountant is to go over your financial records to prove that you have disclosed your finances thoroughly and appropriately. A forensic accountant can also break down your financial records to help you verify what property is marital and what isn’t.

When you are facing false accusations related to your finances in a divorce, a forensic accountant can substantiate your innocence by providing in-depth documentation. They can help prove the value of specific resources and track where certain incomes or finances have gone. Having a forensic accountant on your side will ultimately add credibility to back up your statements regarding your finances, which can make it easier to convince a judge.

Family Law Attorney

If you haven’t already hired a family law attorney, this is definitely a step you need to take if you are facing false accusations. A family law attorney can help you navigate these accusations, collecting different types of proof and documents to support your financial statements. They can also represent you and help you handle communication to protect your rights and avoid further complications.

A family law attorney will protect your best interests, ensuring you get a fair outcome during the divorce. This is critical since you do not want the marital assets divided unequally if the judge becomes biased against you.

Contact a Family Law Attorney in Clark County, OH

Are you ready to face false accusations of hiding income during a divorce so that you get the best outcome possible? Richard P. Arthur, Attorney at Law, can help you navigate these accusations to prove that they are not true. Richard P. Arthur has handled hundreds of family law cases in Clark County and can help you every step of the way when you are navigating this difficult situation.Contact us today at 937-254-3738 for a consultation.